domingo, abril 03, 2005


neither here nor there

  • it is sad that the sharply increasing price of gas has decided that i will not be going anywhere today. it has jumped ten cents overnight, and 15 cents in the last three days. so instead of enjoying bbq and beer with friends in the glorious outdoors, i am sitting at home reading/on the computer/waiting for someone to call who is willing to come to me.

  • i am reading dave egger's a heartbreaking work of staggering genius. i LOVE it. there's tons of stuff i'd like to quote, but here's a short excerpt:

    In this world, in our new world, there will be rocking. We will pay tribute to musicmakers like Journey, particularly if this is Two-for-Tuesday, which means inevitably that one of the songs will be:
    Just a small town girl...
    There are times when I am concerned about Toph's expression when I'm really singing, with vibrato and all, singing the guitar parts and everything--an expression that to the untrained eye might look like abject terror, or revulsion--but I know well enough that it is awe. I understand his awe. I deserve his awe. I am an extraordinary singer.

    there's a similar part that i like even better but it's half a page and i'm feeling lazy. anyway, great book so far, i had heard nothing but praise for it so i'm chugging along happily.

  • i went to a fancy schmancy wedding yesterday. open bar, quail empanada appetizers, filet mignon and shrimp for the entrée, classical quartet, latin band, and mariachis. not to mention an absurd number of little trinkets and toys that were passed out on the dance floor. if you're part of my friends/family on flickr you can see photos. it was very lifestyles of the rich and famous.

  • i have my semesterly observation on tuesday. i lesson planned for a little bit but now i'm very obviously procrastinating. no one reads this blog to hear about my weekend. so fyi, i got another student (putting me at 21, 5 students more than the other 1st grade classes) and i'm VERY nervous about tuesday.

  • upon editing this post i realized that i use the word "but" excessively. forgive me. and then come bring me dinner, because someone got all the goodies to make mexican-style hot dogs EXCEPT for stupid hot dog buns!

    ay caray..observation time. How bad is it? For how long? Are you nervous?
    i haven't been formally observed since i started in january, so this is my first and only observation this year. i was told to do science for 45 minutes and include at least 3 activities... i usually incorporate science into lg. arts so i'm having to change things up a bit, but thanks to my mentor's über-helpful brainstorm session today i should have it all covered. oh, and it's been moved to wednesday.. i'm pretty nervous because my asst. principal was a 1st grade teacher (teacher of the year in fact) and i always get self-conscious about my spanish in front of native spkrs. that answer long enough for ya? =)
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