jueves, julio 07, 2005


word to the wise

not all tacos are created equal. i generally keep things pretty simple and stick to (1) potato & egg (sometimes with cheese if i've got a little extra change in my pocket), (2) bean & cheese, (3) huevos a la mexicana (translation: egg w/jalapeños, onions and tomatoes... the colors of the mexican flag!), (4) chilaquiles or (5) migas tacos. i know, i know, some of you might think the latter two are tortilla overkills, but trust me: THERE IS NO SUCH THING. el chiste, amiguitos mios, es esto: hay tortillas de harina Y de maíz. las dos hacen una combinación INCREIBLE. les DIGO.

damn, now i'm hungry.

un aplauso para la mad hatter!!! =D
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